请参见 mall。
pall-mall 的相关词汇
1737年,"作为一条散步道的阴凉小径",源自 The Mall,伦敦圣詹姆斯公园的一条宽阔的树木成荫的散步道(从17世纪70年代开始被称为这个名字,更早的是 Maill,1640年代),之所以被称为这个名字,是因为它曾经是一条开放的小巷,用来打 pall-mall .。
这是一种曾经很受欢迎的游戏,用木球在一种光滑的小巷中击打,小巷两侧有木板围起来,球被击打以通过放置在小巷尽头的铁拱门。这个游戏的名字源自法语 pallemaille,源自意大利 pallamaglio,源自 palla "球"(参见 balloon(名词))+ maglio "球棒"(源自拉丁语 malleus "锤子,球棒",源自 PIE 词根 *mele- "压碎,磨碎")。现代意义上的"封闭购物廊"始于1962年(1951年开始指城市街道专供行人使用)。Mall rat "经常光顾购物中心的人"始于1985年(参见 rat(名词))。
The short history of malls goes like this: In 1954, Victor Gruen's Northland Center, often credited as the first modern shopping mall (though earlier examples existed), opens in Southfield, Michigan. The suburban location is fitting because the rise of the automobile, helped along by the Federal-Aid Highway Act, led to the widespread creation of large shopping centers away from urban centers. This, among other factors, nearly killed downtowns, and malls reigned supreme for some 40 years. By the 1990s, however, a new urbanism movement revived the urban shopping experience and eroded the dominance of malls. Next, the rise of big box stores and online shopping sounded the death knell for mall culture. [Steven Kurutz, "An Ode to Shopping Malls," New York Times, July 26, 2017]
它构成或部分构成: bale(n.)“准备运输的大捆或包裹的商品”; baleen; ball(n.1)“圆形物体,紧凑的球形体”; balloon; ballot; bawd; bold; bole; boll; bollocks; bollix; boulder; boulevard; bowl(n.)“圆形锅或杯”; bulk; bull(n.1)“雄性牛”; bullock; bulwark; follicle; folly; fool; foosball; full(v.)“踩或敲打布料以清洁或加厚”; ithyphallic; pall-mall; phallus。
它是假设的源头/其存在的证据由以下提供:希腊语 phyllon “叶子”, phallos “肿胀的阴茎”; 拉丁语 flos “花”, florere “开花,繁荣”, folium “叶子”; 古普鲁士语 balsinis “垫子”; 古诺尔斯语 belgr “袋子,风箱”; 古英语 bolla “锅,杯,碗”; 古爱尔兰语 bolgaim “我肿胀”, blath “花,花朵”, bolach “疙瘩”, bolg “袋子”; 布列塔尼语 bolc'h “亚麻荚”; 塞尔维亚语 buljiti “盯着看,眼睛凸出”; 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 blazina “枕头”。
该词根的扩展形式 *bhelgh- “膨胀”,构成或部分构成: bellows; belly; bilge; billow; bolster; budget; bulge; Excalibur; Firbolgs。
该词根的扩展形式 *bhleu- “膨胀,涌出,溢出”,构成或部分构成: affluent; bloat; confluence; effluent; effluvium; efflux; fluctuate; fluent; fluid; flume; fluor; fluorescence; fluoride; fluoro-; flush(v.1)“喷出,突然涌出,带有力量地流动”; fluvial; flux; influence; influenza; influx; mellifluous; phloem; reflux; superfluous。
它构成或部分构成以下词汇: amyl; amyloid; blintz; emmer; emolument; immolate; maelstrom; mall; malleable; malleolus; mallet; malleus; maul; meal(n.2)“可食用的磨碎谷物”; mill(n.1)“用于磨碎谷物的建筑物”; millet; mola; molar(n.); mold(n.3)“松散的土壤”; molder; ormolu; pall-mall。
它是假设的来源/其存在的证据由以下提供:赫梯语 mallanzi “他们磨碎”; 亚美尼亚语 malem “我压碎,捣碎”; 希腊语 mylos “磨石”, myle “磨坊”; 拉丁语 molere “磨碎”, mola “磨石,磨坊”, milium “小米”; 古英语 melu “面粉”; 阿尔巴尼亚语 miel “面粉”; 古教会斯拉夫语 meljo,立陶宛语 malu, malti “磨碎”; 古教会斯拉夫语 mlatu,俄语 molotu “锤子”。