oxymoron (n.)
在修辞学中,“将表面上矛盾的词语或术语结合起来,以使陈述或表达更有力量的修辞手法”,1650年代,源自希腊词汇 oxymōron,是中性形式的 oxymōros(形容词)的名词用法,“尖锐愚蠢的”,由 oxys “尖锐的,尖锐的”(来自 PIE 根 *ak- “尖锐,上升到一个点,刺穿”)和 mōros “愚蠢的”(见 moron)组成。这个词本身就是这个事物的一个例子。现在常常松散地用来表示“术语上的矛盾”。相关: Oxymoronic。
oxymoron 的相关词汇
它组成了以下词汇或一部分: acacia; acanthus; accipiter; acer; acerbic; acerbity; acervate; acervulus; acescent; acetic; acid; acicular; acme; acne; acrid; acridity; acrimony; acro-; acrobat; acromegaly; acronym; acrophobia; acropolis; acrostic; acrylic; acuity; aculeate; acumen; acupressure; acupuncture; acute; aglet; ague; Akron; anoxic; awn; coelacanth; dioxin; deoxy-; eager; ear(n.2)“谷物中的粒子”; edge(n.); egg(v.)“驱使,激励”; eglantine; epoxy; ester; exacerbation; hammer; hypoxia; mediocre; oxalic; oxide; oxy-; oxygen; oxymoron; paragon; pyracanth; paroxysm; selvage; vinegar。
希腊语 akros “结束,顶端,最外层; 完美,卓越”, akis “尖头”, akē “铁器的尖端”, akantha “刺”, akmē “山顶,边缘”, oxys “锐利的,苦涩的”; 梵语 acri- “角落,边缘”, acani- “箭头”, asrih “边缘”; 奥斯坎语 akrid(单数与格)“锐利”; 拉丁语 acer(女性 acris)“感官锐利,刺激,苦涩,热切”, acutus “锐利的,尖的”, acuere “磨利”, acerbus “苦涩的,刻薄的”, acere “锐利,刻薄”, acus “针,别针”, ocris “崎岖的山脉”; 立陶宛语 ašmuo “锐利”, akstis “锐利的木棒”; 古立陶宛语 aštras,立陶宛语 aštrus “锐利的”; 古教会斯拉夫语 ostru,俄语 óstryj “锐利的”; 古爱尔兰语 er “高”; 威尔士语 ochr “边缘,角落,边界”; 古诺尔斯语 eggja “驱使”; 古英语 ecg “剑”; 德语 Eck “角落”等是其存在的假定来源/证明。
1910年,医学拉丁语,指“智力最低的弱智人群之一”,源自希腊语(雅典方言)mōron,中性形式为 mōros,意为“愚蠢的,迟钝的,愚笨的”,其起源不确定。与梵语 murah “白痴”(见 moratorium)的联系存在争议。拉丁语 morus “愚蠢的”是从希腊语借来的词。
被美国弱智研究协会采用,作为技术定义指“智力年龄在8岁至12岁之间的成年人”; 自1922年以来被用作侮辱性词汇,并随后从技术用语中删除。林奈引入了 morisis “白痴”一词。
The feeble-minded may be divided into: (1) Those who are totally arrested before the age of three so that they show the attainment of a two-year-old child or less; these are the idiots. (2) Those so retarded that they become permanently arrested between the ages of three and seven; these are imbeciles. (3) Those so retarded that they become arrested between the ages of seven and twelve; these were formerly called feeble-minded, the same term that is applied to the whole group. We are now proposing to call them morons, this word being the Greek for "fool." The English word "fool" as formerly used describes exactly this grade of child—one who is deficient in judgment or sense. [Henry H. Goddard, in "Journal of Proceedings and Addresses" of the National Education Association of the United States, July 1910]
弱智人群可以分为:(1)在三岁之前完全停滞不前,表现出两岁以下儿童的能力; 这些人是白痴。(2)那些在三岁至七岁之间永久性停滞的人; 这些人是低能儿。(3)那些在七岁至十二岁之间停滞的人; 这些人以前被称为弱智,这个术语适用于整个群体。我们现在打算称他们为 morons,这个词是希腊语中的“傻瓜”。英语单词“fool”曾经准确地描述了这个儿童的等级——一个在判断或感觉方面有缺陷的孩子。[亨利·H·戈达德(Henry H. Goddard),于1910年7月在美国全国教育协会的“会议和演讲记录”中]