也是 noncom,1817年缩写,代表 non-commissioned (officer).
The "non-coms" — non-commissioned, meaning, not non compos; though evil-minded high privates declare it might well mean that — have assigned to them an upper cabin, with staterooms, over the quarters of the officers, in the after-part of the ship. [James K. Hosmer, "The Color-Guard," Boston, 1864]
“非军官”一词,意思是不是 non compos; 尽管心地邪恶的高级士兵声称它很可能意味着那个,他们被分配到了船尾的上层舱室,与军官的住所相邻。【詹姆斯·K·霍斯默,《颜色卫队》,波士顿,1864年】
最早记录年份: 1817