这是缅甸其中一个地区的旧称,也是该国的母语词汇,1989年由 Burma 的军政府正式选择。改变的原因包括摆脱殖民主义的遗物或淡化与缅族少数民族的关联。
It should be pointed out that this renaming has virtually no impact on Burmese citizens speaking in Burmese, who continue to refer to both Myanma as well as Bama (this not unlike formal reference in the English language to 'The Netherlands' while informally using 'Holland'). [Gustaaf Houtman, "Mental Culture in Burmese Crisis Politics," 1999]
应指出,这种改名对以缅甸语言言的缅甸公民几乎没有影响,他们继续称呼 Myanma 和 Bama(这与用英语正式提到'Holland'但非正式地使用'荷兰'相似)。【Gustaaf Houtman,“缅甸危机政治中的心理文化”,1999年】
最早记录年份: 1989