mysterious (adj.)
17世纪10年代,"充满神秘,晦涩,未被揭示或解释",源自拉丁语 mysterium(参见 mystery(n.1))+ -ous。相关词汇: Mysteriously; mysteriousness。同样意义上的早期词汇是 mysterial(15世纪早期),源自晚期拉丁语 mysterialis。
Mysterious is the most common word for that which is unknown and excites curiosity and perhaps awe; the word is sometimes used where mystic would be more precise. Mystic is especially used of that which has been designed to excite and baffle curiosity, involving meanings in signs, rites, etc., but not with sufficient plainness to be understood by any but the initiated. [Century Dictionary]
Mysterious 是指未知的事物,引起好奇和敬畏的最常见的词汇; 有时候这个词汇被用于 mystic 更加准确的地方。Mystic 尤其用于那些被设计来引起和困惑好奇心的事物,涉及符号、仪式等的意义,但不足以被任何人理解,除了那些受过启蒙的人。[世纪词典]
God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm
[Cowper, from the "Olney Hymns," 1779]
相关词汇: Mysteriously; mysteriousness。
最早记录年份: 1610s