mirepoix (n.)
在烹饪中,指切成丁的蔬菜混合物,1815年,源自法语,显然以法国外交官查尔斯·皮埃尔·加斯东·弗朗索瓦, Mirepoix 公爵(1699-1757)的名字命名。据说这种混合料是由他的总厨创造的,以他的名字命名,是路易十五统治期间法国烹饪的鼎盛时期之一,当时贵族风格为把菜肴以自己的名字命名。
MIREPOIX.—It is probable that one of these days the common sense of mankind will rise in rebellion against this word and abolish it. What is the Duke of Mirepoix to us because his wife was amiable to Louis XV.?
If she be not fair to me,
What care I how fair she be?
The Duke of Mirepoix made himself convenient to the king, and his name is now convenient to the people—the convenient name for the faggot of vegetables that flavours a stew or a sauce. ["Kettner's Book of the Table," London, 1877]
米尔波瓦公爵使自己方便了国王,他的名字现在便于人们使用 —— 用来调味炖菜或酱料的蔬菜串状物的方便名称。【“凯特纳餐桌用书”,伦敦,1877年】
最早记录年份: 1815