margarine (n.)
黄油替代品,1873年,源自法语 margarine(见 margarin)。由法国科学家 Hippolyte Mège-Mouries 于1869年发明,部分由可食用的脂肪和油制成。
The "enterprising merchant" of Paris, who sells Margarine as a substitute for Butter, and does not sell his customers by selling it as Butter, and at Butter's value, has very likely found honesty to be the best policy. That policy might perhaps be adopted with advantage by an enterprising British Cheesemonger. ["Punch," Feb. 21, 1874]
巴黎的“有进取心的商人”将人造黄油作为黄油的替代品出售,并不以黄油的价格出售给顾客,这样做可能会发现诚实是最好的策略。这种策略或许可以被有进取心的英国奶酪商采用。["Punch," Feb. 21, 1874]
最早记录年份: 1873