manly (adj.)
约于1200年,“人类的; 具有男性特征的”,也指“具有男性特质的美德”(果断、独立、坚定、可靠); 源自 man(n.)+ -ly(1)。指“男性的,不像男孩或女性,适合战斗的男人”可追溯至14世纪晚期。古英语中有 werlic “男性的,男子气概的”。
Manly, matching womanly, is the word into which have been gathered the highest conceptions of what is noble in man or worthy of his manhood, especially as opposed to which is fawning or underhand. Manful expresses the stanchness, fearlessness, and energy of a man, as opposed to that which is weak, cowardly, or supine. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
Manly,与 womanly 相对应,是一个词,其中包含了人类中最高尚的概念,即男性的高贵或值得尊敬的品质,特别是与那些卑躬屈膝或阴险狡诈的相对立。 Manful 表达了一个男人的坚定、无畏和活力,与那些软弱、懦弱或消极的相对立。[世纪词典,1895]
最早记录年份: c. 1200