linkage (n.)
"联结系统",1874年,最初用于机械工程,源自 link(动词)+ -age。
To understand the principle of Peaucellier's link-work, it is convenient to consider previously certain properties of a linkage, (to coin a new and useful word of general application), consisting of an arrangement of six links, obtained in the following manner ... (etc.). ["Recent Discoveries in Mechanical Conservation of Motion," in "Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine," vol. xi, July-December 1874]
为了理解 Peaucellier 的连杆机构的原理,方便起见,先考虑一个由六个连杆组成的连杆机构的某些特性(创造一个新的、有用的通用词),该连杆机构是通过以下方式获得的...(等等)。["Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine",第11卷,1874年7月至12月,"机械运动守恒的最新发现"]
最早记录年份: 1874