kibitzer (n.)
"看牌游戏中提供不受欢迎的建议的人",1915年,源自意第绪语,代词从 kibitz(见上文)而来。 "Der Kibitzer"是一份意第绪语幽默周刊的名称,该周刊于1908年至1912年在纽约出版。["纽约市的犹太报刊",1918年]
"This license entitles bearer to 'kibitz'; to sit near any table of players; to criticize, knock, boost or do anything that will abuse players.
"If a man makes a wrong play it is up to the 'kibitzer' to correct him, and the 'kibitzer' will be held personally responsible should the player lose, and this license will be forfeited.
"Any licensed 'kibitzer' not abiding by above rules and regulations Will be subject to fine or imprisonment."
[notice said to have been posed on the bulletin board of the club room of the Associated Traveling Salesmen of New York, quoted in The Clothier and Furnisher, March 1915]
"此许可证授权持有人'kibitz',坐在任何玩家桌旁; 批评,抨击,赞扬或做任何会伤害玩家的事情。
最早记录年份: 1915