amok (adv.)
“run amok”是一个动词短语,记录于1670年代,源自马来语(南岛语系)的 amuk,意为“猛烈攻击”。早期该词被用作名词或形容词,意为“狂热的马来人”,最初以葡萄牙语形式 amouco 或 amuco 出现。
There are some of them [Javanese] who ... go out into the streets, and kill as many persons as they meet. ... These are called Amuco. ["The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and Their Inhabitants," c. 1516, English translation]
“有些爪哇人会走到街上,杀死他们遇到的所有人……这些人被称为 Amuco。”——《杜阿尔特·巴尔博萨之书:关于印度洋沿岸国家及其居民的描述》,约1516年,英文翻译
与 amuck 相比较。
最早记录年份: 1670s