snake oil (n.)
"蒙骗的治疗,江湖骗术",1927年,美国英语,源于在美国农村地区使用从蛇脂(尤其是响尾蛇)中提取的油作为民间疗法。在这个意义上, Snake oil 最早可以追溯到1858年:据说它可以治愈佐治亚州的风湿病和痛风,但在宾夕法尼亚州农村地区被吹嘘为治疗耳聋的灵丹妙药。
What is known as snake oil is usually a combination which is handed out by the dealer to satisfy the demand of some credulous customer. A genuine oil of course is that which is obtained by "trying out" the fat of a snake, usually the rattlesnake, and to preserve their faces druggists sometimes employ a small proportion of such oil in preparing the weird mixtures dispensed by them. [The Practical Druggist, July 1912]
最早记录年份: 1927