ichnolite (n.)
"石头上呈现化石足迹",1841年,源自希腊语 ikhnos 的拉丁化形式,意为"足迹,脚印"(其来源不详)+ -lite。同义词 Ichnite 出现在1854年。"化石足迹的科学研究",即 Ichnology,始于1837年。
So numerous have been the discoveries of fossil footmarks in Europe within a few years past, and so many species occur in this country, that it will be at least convenient to have them designated by some appropriate scientific terms, and to arrange them in systematic order. I propose the term Ichnolite ... to include them all and to be the name of the Class. [Edward Hitchcock, LL.D., "Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts," 1841]
近年来,欧洲发现了大量的化石足迹,而且在这个国家出现了许多物种,因此用一些适当的科学术语来指定它们,并按系统顺序排列,至少是方便的。我提出术语 Ichnolite......来包括它们所有,并成为这个类的名称。[爱德华·希奇科克(Edward Hitchcock),马萨诸塞州地质最终报告,1841年]
最早记录年份: 1841