howler (n.)
1800年,“嚎叫的动物”,最初指南美洲的猴子,是从 howl(v.)派生的代词。意思是“明显的错误,荒谬的错误”,最早记录于1890年。在早期电话(1886年至约1920年)中,这是交换机使用的一种设备的名称,用于在接收器中产生响亮的嚎叫声,以吸引没有挂断连接的用户。
Telephone companies are oftentimes annoyed by subscribers leaving the receivers off the hook—time is lost and the service is more or less impaired. The Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Company has recently issued a four-page folder descriptive of their "howler" equipment which is effectively used in remedying this evil. [Journal of Electricity, Power & Gas, vol. xxix, no. 6, Aug. 10, 1912]
最早记录年份: 1800