enquiry (n.)
inquiry 的另一种拼写方式。另请参见 enquire。相关词汇: Enquiries。
enquiry 的相关词汇
enquire (v.)
inquire 的另一种形式,根据 OED 主要用于“询问问题”的意义。相关词汇: enquired; enquiring。
inquiry (n.)
15世纪初, enquery,“对事实进行司法审查以确定真相”; 15世纪中期的一般意义上,“尝试学习某事物,进行询问的行为或事实”,可能是从 enqueren “询问”(见 inquire)发展而来的盎格鲁-法语名词。从16世纪中期开始重新拼写以符合拉丁语。
There is one word of caution, however, to be given to those who renounce inquiry; it is that they cannot retain the right to condemn inquirers. [Benjamin Jowett, "On the Interpretation of Scripture," in "Essays and Reviews," 1860]