encore (interj.)
1712年,源自法语 encore “仍然,尚未,再次,也,此外”(12世纪),通常被解释为来自俗拉丁语短语 *hinc ad horam “从那时到现在”,或 (in) hanc horam “(到)此时此刻”(意大利语 ancora “再次,仍然,尚未”据说是法语借词)。作为名词,从1763年开始使用; 作为动词,从1748年开始使用。相关词汇: Encored。
Whenever any Gentlemen are particularly pleased with a Song, at their crying out Encore ... the Performer is so obliging as to sing it over again. [Steele, "Spectator" No. 314, 1712]
There appears to be no evidence that either the Fr. or It. word was ever similarly used in its native country. The corresponding word both in Fr. and It. is bis; in It. da capo was formerly used. [OED]
没有证据表明法语或意大利语单词曾在其本国以类似的方式使用。法语和意大利语中对应的单词是 bis; 在意大利语中,曾经使用 da capo。[OED]
最早记录年份: 1712