durian (n.)
榴莲,印度尼西亚一种树的球形水果,起源于马来语(南岛语系)durian,源自 duri “刺,荆棘”。因其外皮而得名。
The durian is deemed by the Siamese the king of fruits. Its smell is offensive to European sense, and I have heard it compared to the stink of carrion and onions mingled. But the exquisite flavour of the fruit renders even its fragrance attractive to its habitués, and it is the only fruit which has ever a considerable money-value in the Siamese market. [Sir John Bowring, "The Kingdom and People of Siam," London, 1857]
榴莲被泰国人视为水果之王。它的气味对欧洲人来说很难闻,我听说过它被比作腐肉和洋葱混合的臭味。但是,这种水果的美妙口感使得它的气味对于它的 habitués 来说仍然很有吸引力,而且它是唯一在泰国市场上有相当价值的水果。[约翰·鲍林爵士,《暹罗王国和人民》,伦敦,1857年]
最早记录年份: 1580s