mathematics (n.)
"数量的科学; 研究数字和空间关系概念的抽象科学",始见于1580年代; 参见 mathematic(英语中的旧词形式,可追溯至14世纪晚期)+ -ics。最初是亚里士多德理论科学的三个分支之一,与 first philosophy(或形而上学)和 physics(或自然哲学)一起。
Mystical doctrines as to the relation of time to eternity are also reinforced by pure mathematics, for mathematical objects, such as numbers, if real at all, are eternal and not in time. Such eternal objects can be conceived as God's thoughts. [Bertrand Russell, "A History of Western Philosophy"]
最早记录年份: 1580s