stagger (v.)
15世纪中期,“步履蹒跚、摇晃”(不及物动词),从 stakeren 改编而来(14世纪初),源自斯堪的纳维亚语(比较古丹麦语 stagra,古诺尔斯语 stakra “推、撞、使摇晃”,也表示“蹒跚、摇摆”),与荷兰语 staggelen “蹒跚”,德语 staggeln “口吃”,以及荷兰中古语 staggeren “像醉汉一样摇摆”同源。
及物动词义“使蹒跚、使困惑、使惊叹”始见于1550年代; “把…排列成锯齿形”的意思始于1856年。1918年有“排列”(时间等)的意思,使它们不重叠。相关词: Staggered; staggering。
最早记录年份: mid-15c.
stagger (n.)
c. 1600, "a sudden tottering motion," from stagger (v.). The staggers is by 1570s as a brain and spinal disease of domestic animals, so called for the symptom; hence various names of plants (staggerwort, stagger-grass) supposed to cause or cure it.
最早记录年份: c. 1600