Chicago (n.)
该城镇成立于1833年,名称源自于加拿大法语的阿尔冈昆语词汇,根据布赖特的说法,这个词汇可能是狐狸 /sheka:ko:heki/ “野洋葱之地”或奥吉布瓦语 shika:konk “臭鼬之地”(有时被翻译为“气味难闻的地方”)。奥吉布瓦语中的“臭鼬”一词与新英格兰阿尔冈昆语词汇有关,后者演变成了现代英语 skunk(名词)。相关词汇: Chicagoan(1847年; Chicagoian 于1859年出现)。
chicago 的相关词汇
北美常见的类似黄鼠狼的哺乳动物,当受到威胁时会散发出难闻的气味,1630年代, squunck,源自南新英格兰的阿尔冈昆语(可能是 Massachusett)单词,源自 Proto-Algonquian */šeka:kwa/,源自 */šek-/ 的“小便” + */-a:kw/ 的“狐狸” [布赖特]。
在欧洲人中,他们有时以他们的 polecat 命名,臭鼬是最早被注意和描述的北美动物之一。萨加德-特奥达的“Histoire du Canada”(1636年)将其介绍给了自然学家,称其为“enfans du diable, que les Hurons appelle Scangaresse, ... une beste fort puante”,等等。
它的皮毛被作为 Alaska sable 销售。作为侮辱,指“可鄙的人”,可追溯到1841年。 Skunk cabbage ,生长在美国的湿地,被捣碎时会散发出强烈的刺激性气味,可追溯到1751年; 早期称为 skunkweed(1738年); 因为它们被捣碎时的气味而得名。
[A]fter having finished looking at it, a spirit of mischief (I can attribute it to nothing else) prompted me to lean forward on my horse, and strike it over the back with a small whip I had in my hand. Scarcely had the whip touched the animal's back, when, turning its posteriors towards me and lifting up its hind-leg, it discharged a Stygian liquor, the odour of which I shall recollect till my dying day.—In an instant, the whole Prairie seemed to be filled with a stench, that is beyond all description. It was so powerful, pungent, and sickening, that at first it nearly made me faint, and I galloped away from the brute with all possible expedition. ["An Excursion Through the United States and Canada During the Years 1822-23 by An English Gentleman," London, 1824]