

词汇 calvinism

Calvinism (n.)

1560年代,“约翰 Calvin”(1509-1564),法国新教改革家和神学家的宗教教义和神学。带有 -ism。1566年使用了 Calvinian 的替代形式。后来广泛扩展到他没有持有的立场。至少自1853年以来,与严格的道德准则和预定论的普遍联系得到证实。相关: CalvinistCalvinistic

The peculiar characteristics of his system, as derived from his "Institutes," are his doctrines of original sin, namely, that we derive from Adam "not only the punishment, but also the pollution to which the punishment is justly due"; of freedom of the will, namely, that man "in his present state is despoiled of freedom of will and subject to a miserable slavery"; of grace, or that "the Lord both begins and completes the good work in us," and gives us "both will and power"; of predestination, or "the eternal decree of God, by which he has determined in himself what he would have become of every individual of mankind"; and of perseverance, or the doctrine that all the elect will certainly be saved. [Century Dictionary]
他的系统的特殊特点,源自他的“学说”,是他关于原罪的教义,即我们从亚当那里“不仅受到惩罚,而且还受到应得的污染”; 关于意志自由的教义,即人“在他现在的状态下被剥夺了意志自由,处于痛苦的奴役状态”; 关于恩典的教义,或者说“主在我们身上开始并完成了善工”,并给了我们“意志和力量”; 关于预定论的教义,或者说“上帝的永恒旨意,他在自己内部决定了每个人的命运”; 以及关于坚忍不拔的教义,即所有的选民都一定会得救。[世纪词典]
最早记录年份: 1560s






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