

词汇 confucius say
Confucius say; kung-fu. Historians tell us that there is little positive evidence of the Chinese philosopher’s life, but it is said that the Chinese K’ung clan, descendants of Confucius, num- bers over 50,000 today and that Confucius’s burial place outside Kufow is still a place of homage. Confucius is the Latinized form of the philosopher’s name, K’ung Fu-tzu (“philosopher,” or “master,” K’ung), which may be the origin of the oriental martial art kung-fu, though no hard evidence supports this theory. Born around 551 b.c. of a poor but noble family, Con- fucius taught and held a number of government posts. By his death at about 72, the philosopher had attracted some 3,000 disciples who helped spread his ethical teachings, which were based primarily on his “golden rule”: “What you do not like when done to yourself do not do to others.”




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