

词汇 checkmate
checkmate; chess. Chess was already an ancient game when the Persians introduced it to the Arabs. The Arabs retained the Persian word shah for the king, the most important piece in the game, and when the shah (pronounced “shag” by the Arabs) was maneuvered into a helpless position, ending play, they ex- claimed shah mat, “[your] king is dead.” Soon after the Arabs introduced chess into Spain in the eighth century this expres- sion became xague mate, from which derived the French eschec mate and finally the English checkmate. For many years check- mate was restricted to chess, but by the 14th century Chaucer and other writers were using it in the figurative sense of “to thwart, defeat, or frustrate.” Our word chess comes from a shortening of the French eschis, the plural of eschec, so the game’s name really means “kings.” By a similar process the king in the game, the shah that became the French eschec, is also the source of every use of the word check in English, from bank checks to security checks. See also checkmark.




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