

词汇 hasty pudding
hasty pudding. John Bartlett in his Dictionary of American- isms (1850) defines this as “Indian meal stirred into boiling wa- ter until it becomes a thick batter or pudding . . . eaten with milk, butter, and sugar or molasses.” It is mentioned in a verse of the Revolutionary War song Yankee Doodle: “Father and I went down to camp,/ Along wi’ Captain Goodin,/ And there we see the men and boys,/ As thick as hasty puddin’.” But its most famous mention is in Joel Barlow’s mock-epic The Hasty Pudding (1793), which the poet wrote in a Savoyard inn in France when he was served a dish of boiled Indian meal that reminded him of Connecticut. Part of it goes:
Thy name is Hasty Pudding! thus our sires
Were wont to greet thee fuming from their fires;
And while they argued in thy just defence,
With logic clear they thus explain’d the sense:
“In haste the boiling caldron o’er the blaze
Receives and cooks the ready-powder’d maize;
In haste ’tis serv’d; and then in equal haste,
With cooling milk, we make the sweet repast.”
Such is thy name, significant and clear,
A name, a sound to every Yankee dear.




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