

词汇 bogus
bogus. Most theories about the word bogus, meaning “fake or spurious,” relate it to some form of bogey, in its sense of an imaginary or false thing. One version claims the word can be traced to May 1827 when the Painesville, Ohio, Telegraph ran a story about a gang of counterfeiters whose fake coins were so perfect that they were compared to the work of some supernat- ural bogeyman. Another says the word comes from the name of a device called a bogus, used for counterfeiting coins in the same state in the same year, connecting this machine with “tan- tra-bogus,” an old Vermont term for bogeyman. Complicating matters is the fact that the first use of bogus isn’t recorded until 1838. Although it is certainly possible that the word was in use 10 years or so before it appeared in print, another derivation traces it to a counterfeiter who was operating at exactly the time bogus was first recorded. “The word bogus,” according to a Boston Courier of 1857, “is a corruption of the name Borghese, a man who, 20 years ago, did a tremendous business in supply- ing the Great West of America with counterfeit bills on ficti- tious banks. The western people came to shortening the name Borghese to bogus, and his bills were universally styled ‘bogus currency.’ ” However, there is still another theory that suggests a direct passage from boghus, a gypsy word for counterfeit coin. More than one of these speculations has to be bogus.




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