

词汇 blind pig
blind pig; blind tiger. No doubt these names for “speakeas- ies serving illegal liquor during Prohibition” owe much of their popularity to the fact that people believed the rotgut served therein would get you blind drunk. The names, however, may have more interesting origins. Blind pig is traditionally said to derive from the nickname of a band of soldiers called the Pub- lic Guard serving in Richmond, Virginia, in about 1858. Their militia hats had the initials P.G. on them, the sobriquet arising because “P.G. is a pig without an i, and a pig without an eye is a blind pig.” One would have to assume that the soldiers were much disliked and were drunk a lot of the time—and the sa- loons they drank in named after them—to accept this theory, which has law officers being called “pigs” long before the six- ties, as indeed they were. The theory seems all the more unlikely when it is known that blind pig is recorded as early as 1840, 18 years before the Richmond Public Guard was formed. Blind ti- ger (1857) possibly takes its name from the saloons in faro gambling establishments a century ago, the game of faro com- monly known as “tiger.” But it is just as good a guess to say that both names were suggested because cheap whiskey got people blind drunk.




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