

词汇 beecher-s bibles
Beecher’s Bibles. Beecher’s Bibles were Sharps repeater rifles that the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher (1813–87), one of America’s most famous and controversial preachers, raised money for at his Brooklyn Heights church in New York, and shipped to “Bloody Kansas” in crates labeled “Bibles.” Beecher encouraged his parishioners to join the “underground railroad” and even held mock slave auctions at Plymouth Congregational Church to illustrate the evils of slavery. The church, still in use, was called “The Church of the Holy Rifles,” and is now a na- tional historic shrine. Beecher once wrote that “the Sharps rifle was a truly moral agency . . . [had] more moral power . . . than a hundred Bibles.” The great preacher, brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, was a complex man whose interests ranged from involvement in antislavery movements to involvement with female members of his congregation. See sharps rifle.




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