

词汇 mother shipton
Mother Shipton. A female nostradamus, Mother Shipton is a legendary figure in English literature who is supposed to have foretold the death of Cromwell and the great London fire of 1666, among other accurate predictions. According to the Life of Mother Shipton, written by Richard Head in 1667, more than a century after her death, her real name was Ursula Shipton and she lived in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, from 1488–1561. Born Ursula Southill or Southiel, her peasant mother was re- garded as a witch by villagers, and Ursula appears to have been so ugly that she was called the “Devil’s child,” though not so ugly as to prevent a builder named Tobias Shipton from marry- ing her. Virtually nothing is known about her life, all the “facts” at best traditions, but Mother Shipton’s prophecies, like Mother Nixon’s, had a phenomenal hold on the minds of rural folk un- til as late as 1881. In that year the rumor that she had predicted the end of the world caused people to flee their homes and pray in the fields and churches all night. It developed that this pre- diction, along with others foretelling the coming of the steam engine, telegraph, telephone, and other modern inventions arose out of a forgery of the early Life by Charles Hindley, in which he added many “predictions” that had already come to pass.




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