

词汇 archimedean principle
Archimedean principle. The Greek mathematician and in- ventor Archimedes, supposedly born at Syracuse in Sicily in 287 b.c., was both the Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison of his day. He devised the Archimedean drill, pulley, and wind- lass, and the screw of Archimedes, a machine for raising wa- ter, among many other inventions. Archimedes, however, thought little of these ingenious contrivances, even declining to leave written records of most of them. He preferred to be remembered for his great work in mathematics, or for his founding of the science of hydrostatics, which his Archime- dean principle made possible. As fate would have it, Archi- medes is best remembered for his coining of an expression. One day he was asked to determine the amount of silver an allegedly dishonest goldsmith had used for the king’s crown, which was supposed to have been made of pure gold. While pondering the solution to the problem in his bath, he ob- served that the quantity of water displaced by a body will equal in bulk the bulk of the immersed body (the Archime- dean principle). All he had to do then was to weigh an amount of gold equal in weight to the crown, put crown and gold in separate basins of water, and weigh the overflow to determine how much gold the crown really contained. According to one story, he was so overjoyed with his discovery that he forgot his clothes and ran out into the streets naked, astonishing passersby with his shouts of “Eureka, eureka!” (“I have found it, I have found it!”).




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