

词汇 louis heel
Louis heel. There is no doubt that France’s Louis XIV, called le Roi Soleil, the Sun King, because he adopted the rising sun as his personal emblem, was a vain and haughty man who sur- rounded himself with pomp and ceremony. Le Grand Mon- arque is characterized by the apocryphal remark attributed to him, L’état, c’est moi, “the state is I.” He is therefore a likely can- didate for the inventor of the high Louis heel. Because Louis was a short man, the story goes, he ordered his shoemaker to add cork to his shoe heels to make him taller and kept having more and more cork added to them, his loyal court aping the style. The tale is a good one, but probably isn’t true. Most likely Louis’s grandson, Louis XV, is responsible for the Louis heel, which became the imposing carved French heel on men’s shoes that was ultimately copied by women. The heel, which is only medium today, once reached such ridiculous heights that court ladies had to use balancing sticks to navigate.




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