

词汇 rule the roost
rule the roost. There’s no doubt that this expression is well over four centuries old, but there is controversy about whether it was originally rule the roost or rule the roast. To rule the roost would of course refer to the cock who rules the chicken coop and to rule the roast refers to the lord of the manor who presid- ed over the carving and dishing out of roast meat at the table and was thus master of the house. Americans still prefer the former expression and the British use the latter. Since early ref- erences are found for both versions, the truth will probably never be known. What complicates matters impossibly is that roost was formerly pronounced as we now pronounce roast, and thus spelled “roast” erroneously, while roast was some- times pronounced roost and spelled that way. In any case, the expression means the same—to rule the house or whatever, usually while making a display of power.




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