

词汇 roscian
Roscian. Roman actor Quintus Gallus Roscius (ca. 126–62 b. c.) was born a slave but became the greatest performer of his time. Excelling in comedy roles, he was so esteemed that the golden-tongued orator Cicero took lessons from him and be- came his friend, the two often competing to see who could bet- ter express any idea or emotion. Roscius, in fact, wrote a treatise comparing acting and oratory. In an age when actors were held in contempt, his grace and eloquence were praised in poems, Sulla awarded him the gold ring signifying equestrian rank, and he amassed a great fortune, retiring from the stage when still a young man. Over 2,000 years have passed and his name is still a synonym for eminence or perfection in acting. Roscian means pertaining to or involving actors, and when we say someone gave a Roscian performance, we mean one of out- standing skill. See thespian.




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