

词汇 dead men
dead men. There is nothing new about this term for “empty beer or liquor bottles,” which originated well before 1700, not in World War I, as has been suggested. It referred to the empty pots or bottles on the tables of English taverns when drinking bouts were held. Swift used the expression in his Polite Conver- sations (1738) and may give a clue to the word’s origin: “Let him carry off the dead Men [the empty bottles], as we say in the army.” In the army, where life is cheap, it would be appropriate to call bottles without any spirits dead men, after the spiritless bodies of the battlefield. In fact, the term is sometimes dead marines and dead soldiers today, these phrases dating back to World War I. Dead soldiers and dead men are also applied to empty beer cans, canned beer having been introduced by Co- ors in 1935.




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