titties (n.)
1746年, tetties(复数),是 teats 的幼儿园或方言缩小版本(请参见 teat )。
Margery. Come, be quite;—be quite, es zey, a grabbling o' wone's Tetties.—Es wont ha' ma Tetties a grabbled zo ; ner es wont be mullad and foulad.—Stand azide; come, gi' o'er. ["Exmoor Courtship, or, A Suitoring Discourse, in the Devonshire Dialect and Mode, near the forest of Exmoor," 1746]
Margery. 来,安静一点; —安静一点,这是对一个人的训斥。我的乳房已经被抓得这么紧了。它不应该被用来摸来摸去; 它不应该被弄脏弄乱。站到一边去; 来,停止。[“埃克斯穆尔森林附近的德文郡方言和方式的求爱话语",1746年]
最早记录年份: 1746