theism (n.)
1670年代,“信仰一个或多个神灵”(与 atheism 相对); 到1711年,“信仰一个神”(与 polytheism 相对); 到1714年,“信仰上帝作为宇宙的创造者和统治者的存在”(与 deism 相对),通常是现代的意义; 见 theist + -ism。
Theism assumes a living relation of God to his creatures, but does not define it. It differs from deism in that the latter is negative and involves a denial of revelation, while the former is affirmative, and underlies Christianity. One may be a theist and not be a Christian, but he cannot be a Christian and not be a theist. [Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: 1670s