ballpark (n.)
也是 ball-park,"棒球场",1893年,简称为 baseball(或 football)park; 参见 ball (n.1) + park (n.)。
在比喻意义上被称为 in the ballpark,即"在可接受的近似范围内",这一概念首次记录于1954年,最初出现在原子武器科学家的行话中,可能是指导弹预计返回地球的区域; 这个概念虽然宽泛,但预测的维度相当合理。因此,有了 ballpark (adj.) "近似"(1967年),用于数字等。
The result, according to the author's estimate, is a stockpile equivalent to one billion tons of TNT. Assuming this estimate is "in the ball park," clearly there is valid reason for urging candor on the part of our government. [Ralph E. Lapp, "Atomic Candor," in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 1954]
根据作者的估计,结果是相当于 one billion tons 的 TNT 的储备。假设这个估计是"在球场内",显然我们有充分的理由敦促我们的政府坦诚。[Ralph E. Lapp, "Atomic Candor," in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 1954]
最早记录年份: 1893