astrologer (n.)
14世纪末,“星座观察者”,源自 astrology 和 -er (1)。它取代了法语词 astrologein,如果它幸存下来,很可能会产生 *astrologian,正如乔叟在“The wise Astrologen.”中所写。中英语中,也用于指公鸡作为日出的宣告者。
“宣称能够确定行星对人和事件的影响”的狭义意义始于公元1600年左右。然而,在现代英语早期,当 astrologer 和 astronomer 开始被区分时,“它们之间的关系起初是现在用法的相反”[OED]。莎士比亚用 astronomer 来代替我们现在写的 astrologer。
astrologer 的相关词汇
14世纪后期,“根据天体观察进行计算和预测”的含义,源自拉丁文“astrologia”(astronomy,“天体科学”),源自希腊语“astrologia”(astronomy),字面意思为“星座描绘”,源自“astron”(星座)(源自 PIE 根“*ster-”(2)“星座”)和“-logia”(处理)(参见“-logy”)。
最初与“astronomy”相同,包括科学观察和描述。特别的“将天文学应用于预测事件”的含义,被分为“natural astrology”“自然现象的计算和预测”(潮汐,日食,教堂庆祝日期等),以及“judicial astrology”“判断星球对人类事务的隐秘影响的艺术。”
And consequently, an Astrology in the World before Astronomy, either in Name or Science. so that (Non obstante whatever any Astronomer shall oppose to the contrary) Astrology hath the right of Primogeniture. And all the Sober and Judiciously Learned must needs acknowledge the Truth hereof.—Howbeit, it were to be wished that the Astrologer understood Astronomy, and that the Astronomer were acquainted with Astrology: Although I do in truth despair of ever finding many to be so happily Accomplished. [John Gadbury, introduction to "Ephemerides of the Celestial Motions," London, 1672]
因此,在天文学之前的世界上,有一个与天文学相同的 astrology,无论任何天文学家反对这一点,占据了“Non obstante”的知识理念,这些理智明智的学者必须承认这一点。不过,它希望占星家了解天文学,天文学家熟悉占星学:尽管我真的绝望于在这一点上找到许多人如此幸运。(约翰·加德伯里(John Gadbury),《天体运动的日历》(伦敦,1672年)引言)
It is ... an extremely just observation of M. Comte, that [the study of astrology] marks the first systematic effort to frame a philosophy of history by reducing the apparently capricious phenomena of human actions within the domain of law. It may, however, I think, be no less justly regarded as one of the last struggles of human egotism against the depressing sense of insignificance which the immensity of the universe must produce. [W.E.H. Lecky, "History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe," 1866]
这是 Comte 先生的一个非常正确的观察,即占星学的研究通过将人类行动的明显、反复无常的现象归于规律的范畴,标志着制定历史哲学的第一个系统性努力。但是,我认为,它同样可以被看作是人类自大抵抗宇宙广阔和自身渺小感的最后一次斗争。(W·E·H·Lecky,“欧洲理性主义崛起与影响史”(1866))
"精通天体法则的人",14世纪后期,来自 astronomy(见该词条)+ -er(1)。它取代了法语借词 astronomyen(约1300年),如果它幸存下来,可能会产生 *astronomian。有关意义区分,请参见 astrology,并比较 astrologer。
- -er
- horologer