sixth (adj., n.)
"第五个之后的下一个; 序数词; 被视为整体分成六等份之一的一部分; " 14世纪晚期,取代了16世纪中古英语 sixte(约1200年),源自古英语 syxte,来自 siex(参见 six)。比较古弗里西亚语 sexta,中古荷兰语 seste,古高地德语 sehsto,德语 sechste,哥特语 saihsta。以 -th(1)结尾。相关词汇: Sixthly。
Sixth sense 意为“超自然的物体感知”,始于1712年:
Then said Peter, That is false; for there is a sixth Sense, that of Prescience : for the other five Senses are capable only of Knowledg ; but the Sixth of Foreknowledg ; which Sense the Prophets had. [William Whitson, "Primitive Christianity Reviv'd," vol. v, London, 1712]
最早记录年份: late 14c.