shamefaced (adj.)
"谦虚,害羞",1550年代,是 shamefast 的民间词源学改编,意为"谦虚,谦逊,有美德",也指"因自己的行为而感到羞愧",源自古英语 scamfæst,意为"害羞",字面意思为"被羞耻所限制",或者"坚定地保持谦逊",由 shame(n.)和 -fæst,形容词后缀(参见 fast(adj.))组成。相关词汇: Shamefacedly; shamefacedness。
shamefaced, -fast. It is true that the second is the original form, that -faced is due to a mistake, & that the notion attached to the word is necessarily affected in some slight degree by the change. But those who, in the flush of this discovery, would revert to -fast in ordinary use are rightly rewarded with the name of pedants .... [Fowler]
shamefaced, -fast。确实,后者是原始形式,而 -faced 是由于错误而产生的,而且与该词相关的概念在某种程度上必然受到这种变化的影响。但是,那些在这一发现的激动中,想在日常使用中恢复 -fast 的人,理所当然地被称为学究....[福勒]
最早记录年份: 1550s