

词汇 poker

poker (n.1)

"the iron bar with which men stir the fire" [约翰逊], 源于 poke (v.),为1530年代的代词。中古英语 pokere(12世纪早期)可能意味着“储存或装袋谷物的人”(源于 poke(n.1))。

最早记录年份: 1530s

poker (n.2)

“扑克牌”是一种由两个或更多人玩的纸牌游戏,使用一整副牌,起源于1834年的美国英语,其起源不明,可能来自于德语 Pochspiel 的第一个元素,这是一种类似于扑克牌的纸牌游戏,源自于 pochen “以虚张声势吹嘘”,字面意思是“敲击,敲打”(参见 poke(v.))。另一种流行的理论将这个词追溯到法语 poque,也被称为一种类似于扑克牌的纸牌游戏。 “[Barnhart]”但是,如果没有文件证明,这些解释只是猜测。英语中早期版本的游戏被称为 brag

根据后来的回忆,这个游戏本身似乎起源于1829年左右,在密西西比河下游地区和周围地区,也许是在河船赌徒中间。最初的形式似乎是用20张牌(A-K-Q-J-10)均匀地分配给四个玩家进行游戏; 到了19世纪40年代,使用整副牌进行游戏。

俚语 poker face(n.)“面无表情”源于1874年。

A good player is cautious or bold by turns, according to his estimate of the capacities of his adversaries, and to the impression he wants to make on them. 7. It follows that the possession of a good poker face is an advantage. No one who has any pretensions to good play will betray the value of his hand by gesture, change of countenance, or any other symptom. ["Cavendish," "Round Games at Cards," dated 1875]
一个好的玩家会根据他对对手的能力的估计和他想给他们留下的印象而谨慎或大胆。7.因此,拥有一个好的 poker face 是一种优势。没有任何一个有好玩的倾向的人会通过手势、面部表情或任何其他症状泄露他的手牌的价值。[“Cavendish”,“Round Games at Cards”,日期为1875年]
To any one not very well up in these games, some parts of the book are at first sight rather puzzling. "It follows," we read in one passage, "that the possession of a good poker face" (the italics are the author's) "is an advantage." If this had been said by a Liverpool rough of his wife, the meaning would have been clear to every one. Cavendish, however, does not seem to be writing especially for Lancashire. [from a review of the above book, Saturday Review, Dec. 26, 1874]
对于那些不太了解这些游戏的人来说,书中的一些部分乍一看可能会让人感到困惑。在一段文字中,我们读到:“它遵循着,拥有一个好的 poker face”(斜体是作者的)“是一种优势。”如果这是一个利物浦粗人对他的妻子所说的话,那么每个人都会明白其含义。然而,卡文迪什似乎并不是特别为兰开夏写作的。[来自上述书籍的评论,Saturday Review,1874年12月26日]
最早记录年份: 1834






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