scapulimancy (n.)
肩胛骨放入火中占卜,1871年,由 scapula + -mancy “占卜”的组合形式组成。相关词汇: Scapulimantic。
With haruspication may be classed the art of divining by bones, as where North American Indians would put in the fire a certain flat bone of a porcupine, and judge from its colour if the porcupine-hunt would be successful. The principal art of this kind is divination by a shoulder-blade, technically called scapulimancy or omoplatoscopy. This is especially found in vogue in Tartary, where it is ancient, and whence it may have spread into all other countries where we hear of it. [Edward B. Tylor, "Primitive Culture," 1871]
最早记录年份: 1871