

词汇 scalawag

scalawag (n.)

也有 scallawag,"不名誉的家伙",1839年起源于美国英语口语,起源不明; 可能是 wag "惯常开玩笑者"的影响下,由苏格兰的 scallag "农场仆人,乡下人"改变而来,而 scallag 本身是 Scalloway 的变体,指的是设得兰群岛之一,指的是小型设得兰马(scalawag 的早期记录意义是"身材矮小、喂养不良或毫无价值的动物",1854年)。

Judge Lynch passed through town on Saturday night last. He remained here long enough to give a worthless scalawag a genteel suit, from "head to heels" of tar and feathers. [Maumee City Express, Saturday Aug. 3, 1839]
上周六晚上,林奇法官经过这个镇。他在这里停留足够长的时间,给了一个毫无价值的流氓一个 gentee 的套装,从头到脚都是焦油和羽毛。[Maumee City Express, 1839年8月3日星期六]


The word was used in the southern United States, during the period of reconstruction (1865 to 1870 and later), in an almost specific sense, being opprobriously applied by the opponents of the Republican party to native Southerners who acted with that party, as distinguished from carpet-bagger, a Republican of Northern origin. [Century Dictionary]
这个词在美国南方使用,出现在重建时期(1865年至1870年及以后),几乎具有特定的意义,被共和党的反对者贬低地用于指称与该党合作的南方本土人,与 carpet-bagger 相区别,后者是指北方出生的共和党人。[Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: 1839






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