

词汇 sadducee

Sadducee (n.)

新约时期犹太团体成员, 中古英语 Saduce, 源自古英语, 源自拉丁语晚期的 Sadducaei(复数形式), 来自希腊语 Zaddoukaios, 是对希伯来语 tzedoqi 不精确的音译, 来源于个人名字 Tzadhoq “撒督” (撒母耳记下 VIII.17), 从中奴隶时期祭司们宣称祖先的大祭司. 据约瑟夫斯所说,该教派否认死者的复活和天使和灵魂的存在,但后来的历史学家认为他们不仅是教派,更是祭司阶级政党。该男子的名字有时被认为是意味着“正直的人”,但 OED 认为这一点“语源学上站不住脚”。相关词汇: Sadducean; Sadduceeism; Sadducaic; Saducaical; Saduceeic

It is not easy to define exactly the doctrine of the Sadducees, because It was a negative rather than a positive philosophy, and a speculative rather than a practical system ; and for our knowledge of it we are almost wholly dependent on the representations of its opponents. It was the doctrine of the rich, the worldly, and the compliant. [Century Dictionary]
精确定义撒都该派的教义并不容易,因为它是一种消极而不是积极的哲学,是一种思辨而不是实践的体系; 而且,我们对它的了解几乎完全依赖于对它的反对者的描述。这是有钱人、世俗人和顺从者的信条。【世纪词典】






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