rowan (n.)
"山楂树",1804年,来自 rowan-tree, rountree(1540年代), rawntre(15世纪晚期),北英格兰和苏格兰,源自斯堪的纳维亚来源(比较古诺尔斯语 reynir,瑞典语 Ronn “山楂树”),据 Watkins 称,最终源自 PIE 词根 *reudh- “红色,红润”,指的是浆果。
There were those in this neighbourhood, long after the beginning of the present century, who believed that a slip of rowan tree carried on their person dispelled glamour, and rendered nugatory all the powers of sorcery and witchcraft. [Alexander Laing, "Lindores Abbey and the Burgh of Newburgh," Edinburgh, 1876]
在这个地区,甚至在本世纪初,仍有人相信身上携带一片山楂树可以驱散 glamour,并使所有巫术和魔法的力量无效。[亚历山大·莱因格,《林多雷斯修道院和纽伯格市》,爱丁堡,1876年]
最早记录年份: 1804