relegation (n.)
"调遣,放逐",来自拉丁语 relegationem(主格 relegatio),意为"送走,流放,放逐",是古罗马法律和后来的教会法律中的一个专门术语,是 relegare 的动作名词,意为"移除,解雇,放逐,送走,安排,搁置"(见 relegate)。
最早记录年份: 1580s
relegation 的相关词汇
relegate (v.)
1590年代,“放逐(某人),将某人送到偏远或遥远的地方,将某人送走或避开”,源自拉丁语 relegatus,是 relegare 的过去分词,“移除,解雇,放逐,送走,安排,搁置”,由 re- “回来”(见 re-)和 legare “派遣代表,委托,授权,遗赠”组成,可能字面意思是“通过合同雇佣”,与 lex(属格 legis)“合同,法律”有关(源自 PIE 词根 *leg-(1)“收集,聚集”)。
所有意义都来自罗马法律中的一个特定含义:“将某人流放,使其离开罗马一定距离一定时间。”“使(某人)处于劣势地位”的意义记录于1790年。关于主题,事物等,“将其分配到某个特定的类别,领域等”,最早见于1866年。相关: Relegated; relegating; relegable。
[Relegatio] allowed the expulsion of a citizen from Rome by magisterial decree. All examples of relegation were accomplished by magistrates with imperium, and lesser magistrates probably did not possess this power. Any number of individuals could be relegated under a single decree, and they even could be directed to relocate to a specific area. This act was generally used to remove undesirable foreigners from Rome, as when Greek philosophers were expelled from Rome in 161 and two Epicureans, Philiscus and Alcaeus, were banished seven years later. [Gordan P. Kelly, "A History of Exile in the Roman Republic," Cambridge: 2006]
[ Relegatio ]允许市长法令将公民从罗马驱逐出境。所有的流放例子都是由拥有 imperium 的市长完成的,较低级别的市长可能没有这种权力。单个法令可以将任意数量的个人流放,他们甚至可以被指示搬到特定的区域。这一行为通常用于将不受欢迎的外国人从罗马驱逐出境,例如在公元161年,希腊哲学家被驱逐出罗马,七年后,两个伊壁鸠鲁派的哲学家 Philiscus 和 Alcaeus 被流放。[戈登·P·凯利,“罗马共和国流放史”,剑桥:2006年]