props (n.)
“proper respects”(或类似的词语)的俚语缩写,约于1999年; 参见 proper。1831年,作为一家剧院 properties 经理的绰号(参见 prop(n.2))。此外,这也是一种流行于19世纪50年代,尤其在波士顿地区玩的一种用贝壳进行的赌博游戏。
It was, in effect, a crude sort of dice-throwing. Small shells were partially ground down and their hollows filled with sealing-wax. Four of these shells were shaken in the hand and thrown on a table, the stake being won or lost according to the number of red or white sides coming up. [Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: c. 1999