probable (adj.)
14世纪后期,“可能的,合理的,似乎有更多的证据支持而非反对”的意思,来自于14世纪的古法语 probable “可证明的,可证实的”,源自于拉丁语 probabilis “值得认可的,令人愉悦的,令人满意的; 可证明的,可以被认为是可信的”,源自于 probare “尝试,测试”(见 prove)。作为一个法律术语, probable cause “合理的原因或理由”可追溯至1670年代。
Probable cause (used with reference to criminal prosecutions), such a state of facts and circumstances as would lead a man of ordinary caution and prudence, acting conscientiously, impartially, reasonably, and without prejudice, upon the facts within his knowledge, to believe that the person accused is guilty. [Century Dictionary]
相关词汇: Probableness。
最早记录年份: late 14c.