prepuce (n.)
约在1400年,“包皮”,也指“未行割礼的状态”,源自古法语 prepuce,来自拉丁语 praeputium “包皮”,可能来自 prae “前”(见 pre-)和 *putos “阴茎”。早期英语中称为 prepucy(14世纪后期),直接源自拉丁语。相关词汇: Preputial。
And in this temple was Charlemayn whan þat the aungell broughte him the prepuce of oure lord Ihesu crist of his Circumcisioun. And after kyng Charles leet bryngen it to Parys in to his chapell And after þat he leet brynge it to Peyteres & after þat to Chartres. [Sir John Mandeville, "Voiage and Travaile," mid-14c.]
最早记录年份: c. 1400