plebe (n.)
也称 pleb,指“美国军校最低阶层的成员”,始见于1833年,可能是 plebeian “下层阶级之一”的缩写形式,该词在拉丁语中也有短形式 plebs 或 plebes。
plebe 的相关词汇
"of or characteristic of the lower class or the common people," was first used in 1560s in a Roman historical context, originates from Latin word plebeius , which means "belonging to the plebs ." Before that, it meant plebes , referring to "the populace, the common people" (as opposed to patricians, etc.). It also referred to "commonality; the mass, the multitude; the lower class" (from PIE *ple- , from the root *pele- (1) "to fill"). The word was generally used from the 1580s onwards.
*pelə- 表示原始印欧语根词“填充”,其派生词指丰富和多样。
它构成了以下单词或部分单词: accomplish; complete; compliment; comply; depletion; expletive; fele; fill; folk; full(形容词); gefilte fish; hoi polloi; implement; manipulation; nonplus; plebe; plebeian; plebiscite; pleiotropy; Pleistocene; plenary; plenitude; plenty; plenum; plenipotentiary; pleo-; pleonasm; plethora; Pliocene; pluperfect; plural; pluri-; plus; Pollux; poly-; polyamorous; polyandrous; polyclinic; polydactyl; polydipsia; Polydorus; polyethylene; polyglot; polygon; polygraph; polygyny; polyhedron; polyhistor; polymath; polymer; polymorphous; Polynesia; polyp; Polyphemus; polyphony; polysemy; polysyllabic; polytheism; replenish; replete; supply; surplus; volkslied。
它是以下单词的假定来源/其存在的证据由以下单词提供:梵语 purvi “许多”, prayah “大多数”; 阿维斯陀语 perena-,古波斯语 paru “许多”; 希腊语 polys “许多,许多人,许多人数”, plethos “人,众多,大量”, ploutos “财富”; 拉丁语 plus “更多”, plenus “充实”; 立陶宛语 pilus “充满,丰富”; 古教会斯拉夫语 plunu; 哥特语 filu,“许多”,古诺斯语 fjöl-,古英语 fela, feola “许多”; 古英语 folgian; 古爱尔兰语 lan,威尔士语 llawn “充满”; 古爱尔兰语 il,威尔士语 elu “许多”。
"平民中的一个普通人,出身低微的人",1856年作为古罗马意义上 plebeian 的口语缩写。1851年见于西点军校的意义(见 plebe)。相关词汇: Plebbish。