phylactery (n.)
14世纪晚期, filaterie, philateria,“犹太人在手臂或额头上佩戴的小皮盒或徽章,内含四个旧约经文,作为保持法律义务的提醒”,源自12世纪的古法语 filatiere,直接源自中世纪拉丁语 philaterium,来自晚期拉丁语 phylacterium “圣骨匣”,源自希腊语 phylacterion “保护,护身符; 哨兵的岗位”,中性形容词 phylaktērios “作为保护的”,来自 phylaktēr “守卫,警卫”,来自 phylassein “保护或避开”,来自 phylax (属格 phylakos)“守护者,看守者,保护者”,一个起源不明的词; Beekes 写道,基于后缀 -ax,“这个词很可能是古希腊语之前的。”佩戴它的习俗基于对经文的字面理解:
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. [Deuteronomy xi.18]
最早记录年份: late 14c.